Create Point-Of-Purchase signage placards with NetPS
Imagine - ready-to-print plant signage for every plant you carry, all neatly laid out, with just one click of a button. It's a part of NetPS, and it's free of charge to all clients!

+ signage maker tool
The NetPS Plant Manager includes a built-in automated signage maker tool that lets you automatically generate basic print-ready placards (bench cards) from your own plant selections. Placards are available in standard 5" x 7", 7" x 11" and letter (8.5" x 11") sizes, in portrait (vertical) and landscape (horizontal) orientations, and in both PDF (document) and JPEG (image) file formats. The 7" x 11" and letter-size formats even let you upload and use your company's logo!
Note that we do not provide fulfillment services at this time - you can't order the signs from us and have us ship them to you. This automated tool lets you generate the sign images or documents for plants and save them to your computer, but you'll have to print them yourself. You can either print them on your own home printer, bring them to a professional printer for printing and laminating, or have them printed on photo paper at a local photo store.
But wait - you get even more free stuff with NetPS to help you complement your existing desktop publishing or signage-generating software!

+ high-res photos
You have access to all of Northscaping's photos for use in your signage. More than 99% of the 120,000+ photos in the NetPS Plant Database are our own, and we permit our NetPS clients to use Northscaping's photographs for their own purposes for as long as they remain clients of ours. All photos are available for instant download through the NetPS Plant Manager in both web and print resolution.

+ qr codes
You are able to print QR codes for every plant you carry. They are available in both JPEG and PDF formats, and can be directly downloaded from your NetPS Plant Manager. Place them directly on your POP signage, and when scanned with a properly adapted smart phone, customers are automatically taken to your Plant Finder page for the specific plant.
It's time to learn how to install NetPS into your website - it's easier than you'd think!
Learn all about the world-leading NetPS Plant Finder tool:
How your customers will use the tool
Garden plans, wish lists, and dreams
Internet + marketing
= awesome
Create your own POP bench cards
We'll fit NetPS into your website
As if all this weren't enough already